Financial Dictionary
Financial DictionaryOur Financial Dictionary has definitions of over 300 financial terms. The dictionary was created to serve as financial education tool, helping anybody interested in learning about finance, money, and investing. The Financial Dictionary consists of definitions of the most popular and commonly used financial terms like loan, mortgage, financing, credit, credit card, bank, and more. Instead of traditionally grouping the articles and definitions in our financial dictionary alphabetically, we have grouped them into several financial categories, as we believe that the website structure will be more useful for our visitors this way. Our Canadian visitors looking for loans, can use the Canadian Loans directory, and search for financial provider.
The General Finance category explains what borrower and lender is, and defines frequently used financial words. The Loans section of our financial dictionary, defines what is a loan, and describes various types of loans. Even though a mortgage is just another type of loan, we have separated it in its own category Mortgages, where you can learn about different types of mortgages, and get acquainted with a variety of mortgage terms. The Banking section of the site deals with another important part of our financial life, explaining popular banking phrases and terms. We have also created Investing category, which guides you through several investment terms, every investor must know. The final section of our finance dictionary is the Debt section, which tackles unpleasant, but nonetheless important topics as bankruptcy, debt consolidation, and collection agencies.
We've recently added an online loan calculator, which you can use to calculate loan monthly payments and loan interest costs. Home buyers can use our mortgage calculator to calculate their monthly mortgage payments.
If you want to test your financial knowledge, don't miss our Financial Quiz and don't forget to share it with your friends.
We add new definitions to our dictionary on a regular basis, and if you want to contribute something, don't hesitate to contact us. If you like the site bookmark it and tell your friends about it.
We've received request to create an alphabetical index of all financial terms in our dictionary, so here it is:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z